A LETTER TO MY VULVA: A comic insight into the world of the vulva

If you were to write a letter to your own Vulva what would you write? Dear pussy! Dear friend, my love! Dear old buddy! You are so provocative to have! So completely uncontrollable.

Pleasure, shame and disappointment in an absurd, poetic collage.

What is the relationship between our body, mind and genitals? How is it to have a vulva in our society today? The theatre performance ‘A letter to my Vulva’ shares stories of pleasure, sorrow, shame, anger, loneliness, pain, and joy. The play takes the audience through a stream of voices, different layers of feelings and situations that end up with a cathartic effect where the audience can experience a form of liberation. This is done through physical theatre, featuring both humor and seriousness, and with elements of storytelling, clown and buffoon.

‘A letter to my Vulva’ is built on real personal, anonymous letters collected through workshops for women, non-binary and trans people, who share the common experience of having a vulva or identifying with having one.

The performance put focus on the many stories which exist around the vulva. The audience gets an opportunity for recognition, laughter and to put words on their sex and their feelings around it, free from shame and guilt. By doing so, it might help them to take their lust and disinclination seriously. The play is a comic look into the secrets of the vulva, both for those who have one and those who don’t.

Teater Vølven has participated in several events in Copenhagen and in Sweden with shorter performances of ‘A letter to my Vulva’, which were all very well received. Words from the audience: “Strong, touching, funny, provocative, important”.

Performance Details

Duration: 1 hour

Age: from 15 years old

Language: English, Danish and Swedish

Idea, manuskript and director: Anna Dagnydotter, Josefine Skovgaard and Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl.

Director-konsulent: Kirsten Cenius og My Wagelin

Scenografi: Signe Marie Bonnici-Erichsen, Josefine Skovgaard og Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl.

Kostumer: Fabiola Gonzalez.

Actors: Anna Dagnydotter, Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl og Josefine Skovgaard/Laura Hegelund.

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Support our project

Your donation will be used to cover expenses related to the realization of 'A letter to my Vulva', such as costumes, scenography and props, travel expenses and rehearsal space rent.

Any donation, big or small, will be received with warm gratitude.